Sunday 17 February 2013


            "Being defeated is often temporary up is what makes it permanent."
                                         Marilyn vos savant(An american magazine columnist)

Throughout our entire life we meet hundreds of people.some stay with us, some leave, some motivate, some criticize.Actually if you are having mild and humble personality or having any visible weakness you gonna face a lot of criticism. But if u think all these criticism is because of problems in you, you are throwing yourself into a giant black hole, that is gonna swallow you up without leaving any trace of your existence.

Actually the problem isn't  in you ,problem is in those who criticize, i am not talking about positive criticism, i am talking about the negative one, which is done to crush personality, make fun of one. And people like these are in ample amount out there. No one is perfect we all know but weakness of some are visible and others may not, like if someone is handicapped or stammers or having any other kind of disability it is not his fault. When a kid goes to school he is unaware of basics, teacher helps him ,teaches him to grow,to lean to live. Instead of this if would have criticized , then teacher wouldn't deserved to be a teacher.

The conclusion is that other than giving up, you should learn to recognize those evil minds out there, and throw them out of your life. Work upon your weakness..and be STRONG. ;)

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